Baby elephant, social distancing, global travel warning! The Austrian federal government announced the “shutdown” 6 months ago. Border closings, exit restrictions and home offices literally changed our everyday lives worldwide over the weekend. 6 months later, as a family-run SME, we can look back on turbulent weeks in March, when we kept “the shop running” in crisis mode. Followed by weeks of great uncertainty in April to find our way. From May on it was clear: it won’t be the same anymore. Due to these changed framework conditions, we have probably implemented more “lean projects”, process improvements and technical developments in the last 6 months than we could ever imagine. Due to the immediate introduction of “Corona measures” and the discipline of our employees, we have so far produced and delivered without interruption. Our customers & partners are well looked after via video calls, leads are generated via online tools and social media and we continue to invest heavily in all locations.
After Corona is already taking place! Now! We are prepared to accept and master the challenges of the new conditions in our industries and markets!
Acquisition of GIPRO by PREIS Group Emphasizes Strategic Direction Through Sustainable Growth!
Strengthening Market Position in Energy Distribution!